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Wetland Delineation and Permitting for Multi-use Development, Lawrence, Kansas 2023-current

Provide Wetland Services and Mitigation

*Delineate Wetlands and Streams *Lead Federal and State Permitting Efforts * Assist in Mitigation and Water Quality Efforts


Norman Ecological was retained by Landplan Engineering, Inc. to provide wetland services, Clean Water Act permitting guidance in water quality improvements, and assistance with clearance from the USFWS on T&E species at a proposed multi-use development on 178 acres located just south of Lawrence, Kansas.  Approximately 12.6 acres of wetlands and 5,800 feet of streams were found on-site. Permitting efforts and clearance for T&E species are on-going.

Wetland Mapping for the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas in Brown County, Kansas, 2022-23

Identify Potential Wetlands and Provide a Data Base for the Tribe

*ID Potential Wetlands *Conduct Ground Truthing *Refine Presence of Wetlands


Norman Ecological was retained by the Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas to conduct a wetland mapping of land on its 5 miles wide by 6 miles long reservation located just west of Horton (Brown County), Kansas.  The scope of the work was as follows: 1) preliminary data collection and review, 2) ground truthing to confirm the accuracy and refinement of current wetland mapping, 3) refinement of existing wetland mapping through identification of data gaps and further analysis, and 4) field identification of mapped wetlands and their subsequent characterization. A total of 342 acres of wetlands targets were identified (3,396 parcels), with a mean size of 0.1 acre, minimum size of 0.01 acre, and maximum size of 6.1 acres (PEM/PFO). A total of 1,244 acres of total wetlands were identified by project team (5,873 parcels), with a mean size of 0.2 acre, minimum size of 0.01 acre, and maximum size of 12.0 acres (non-riverine farmed PEM). Future work may involve analysis of our Phase 1 work to identify 5 to 10 wetlands from wetland categories (target vs farmed vs ponded) and attributes to further characterize these potential wetland depressions to Level 2 and 3 descriptions as well as conservation and restoration potential and value.

Botanical Services for Nationwide Wetland Survey

Monitoring Wetlands in Three States

*Identify Tree, Shrub, and Wildflower Species *Determine Plant Abundance and Diversity *Follow Lab Protocol


In 2021, Norman Ecological was retained by PG Environmental, LLC to be lead field botanist for the National Wetland Condition Assessment for 20 sites in Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri. Norman conducted the vegetation portion of monitoring at riparian wetlands, fens, alkaline wetlands, etc. Work also involved establishing the assessment area and plot set up as well as all the cover estimates of ground cover, shrubby, and tree and plant identification. He also followed plant lab protocol ensuring that all unknown and QA/QC plant specimens were documented and delivered to the local plant expert for verification.  

Wetland Delineation for the PBPN Tribe in Kansas

Assess 260-acre Forest for Wetlands and Streams

*Delineate Wetlands and Streams *Identify Rare Plants and Other Notable Features


In 2020, Norman Ecological conducted a wetland delineation on a 260-acre floodplain forest located on land of the Prairie Band of Potawatomie Nation in Jackson County, Kansas. The forest was diverse and had a mix of older trees including hackberry, sycamore, western buckeye, black walnut, and bur oak and wildflower species including rue-anemone, woodland and James’ sedges, white fawn lily, golden alexanders, downy yellow violet, spotted touch-me-not, woodland phlox, may apple, cow parsnip, and Jack-in-the-pulpit. To ensure that the site was sampled thoroughly 26 transects were established with 150, 1-m² plots plus another 29 sample plots following the Midwestern wetland delineation regional supplement. All told, 19 forested, shrubby, and herbaceous wetlands covering 1.95 acres were found along with 2.3 miles of 26 ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial streams.


“Norman Ecological Consulting, LLC, has worked with the PBPN-PEP on a number of wetland projects over the past several years.   Frank has provided wetlands education/field trip with PBPN Boys and Girls Club youth, wetland delineation, and National Condition Wetland Assessment on tribal lands.  His vast knowledge of plants, willingness to adhere to grant requirements of vendor, timely submissions, training capabilities for our wetland program has been greatly appreciated and respected over the years.  We look forward to continuing building our wetland program with Norman Ecological Consulting assisting in this effort.”

Verna Potts, Senior Environmental Technician, PBPN Planning and Environmental Protection Department

Floristic Quality Assessment (FQA) for the PBPN Tribe in Kansas

Initiate Study of Floristic Quality of Riparian Woods

*Establish permanent transects *Submit In-depth Data Analysis and Report *Provide Management Recommendations


In 2020, Norman Ecological was retained by Vireo, LLC as part of the Prairie Band of Potawatomie Nation’s sustainability initiative dealing with wetland and stream resources on its reservation in Jackson County, Kansas. Norman was responsible for designing and implementing a FQA study along six riparian corridors, portions of which were to be restored, in the Big Soldier Creek watershed. All told, 24, 50’ by 200’ belt transects were established in corridors to document pre-restoration conditions. Results varied with remnant prairies and older tracts of woods having the greatest diversity and higher mean C and FQI value.  In contrast, more degraded sites including cropland and degraded pastures had lower values. 


“When our team decided to use the FQA for modeling wetland and riparian corridor habitat on the Reservation, Norman Ecological was our first and only choice. Frank’s extensive knowledge of Kansas flora and FQA methodology was essential to the successful completion of the botanical surveys.” 
Laurie Brown, Conservation Ecologist, Vireo, (formerly Patti Banks Associates)

NWCA Monitoring for Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas

Assist Indian Tribe in Assessing Wetland Resources

*Select Wetlands for Monitoring *Identify Plant Species *Measure Plant Cover and Diversity 


In 2019, Norman Ecological assembled a four-member team to conduct monitoring following the National Wetland Condition Assessment protocol at 8 wetlands on the Kickapoo Tribe reservation in Brown County near Holton, Kansas. Norman’s role was multifaceted and included determining the efficacy of each wetland site, being the liaison between the KTIK and his team, assuring quality assurance and quality control, being lead botanist, and coordinating field tasks, and water and soil sample labeling and shipment. The team’s tasks included assessment area and plot set up, digging a soil pit and characterizing and collecting soils for testing, assessment of buffers adjacent to each wetland, collection of surface water samples for testing, and cover estimates of ground cover, shrubby, and tree and plant identification and presence of invasive species. The wetlands included herbaceous, shrubby, and forested vegetation types, were either man-made or natural, and were mostly found  along riparian corridors of the Delaware River or its tributaries. Norman also teamed up with the KTIK wetland coordinator to do NWCA sampling at a rare fen—Muscotah Marsh, which served at the reference wetland for the Tribe during the 2019 NWCA sampling.


"Frank played a vital role in completing the National Wetland Conditional Assessment at Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas. This was a hefty project, focusing on soil, water, vegetation and visual evaluations of buffer zones and hydrology characteristics.  His experience, coupled with his passion for ecology, made him the best person for the job. Frank assembled a team of ecologists, each with their own professional niche to ensure that every facet of the assessment was handled by the right person. Our field days were strenuous, but Frank and his team never slowed down. After the assessment was complete, he made himself available for questions and was prompt to respond. We were happy to use his services again later that season for an assessment of an additional wetland. We look forward to working with him in the future."

Jessica Raley, Environmental Field Scientist, EcoSafe Environmental Services, Inc. (formerly Wetlands Program Coordinator at the KTIK)

Park Management Plans, Johnson County Park and Recreation Department, Kansas

Assist in County-wide and Park-specific Natural Resource Management Plans

*Conduct Inventories of Plant Communities * Provide Quality Assessments of Plant Communities


In 2018 and 2019, county-wide and park-specific natural resource management plans were developed for the Johnson County Park and Recreation Department in northeastern Kansas by Applied Ecological Services, Vireo, and Norman Ecological Consulting.  NEC’s role was mainly field work including a more detailed inventory and quality assessment of the plant communities at two of the larger parks on-site (i.e., Shawnee Mission Park and Big Bull Creek Park covering approximately 1,591 acres and 2,005 acres, respectively).  At each park, land cover was mapped, plant lists were assembled, and general restoration needs and conservation opportunities were identified and quantified in the process. 

Mitigation Monitoring Services for Local Federal Facility

Determine Success of Wetland, Prairie, and Riparian Plantings

*Establish Permanent Transects *Submit In-depth Data Analysis and Report *Provide Management Recommendations


Norman Ecological and Wildhorse Riverworks, Inc. were retained by CentrePoint-Zimmer, LLC to provide mitigation monitoring services on its 185-acre development site containing types and acres of mitigation 1.3 acres of wetlands, 17 acres of riparian buffer, and 3 acres of riparian woods, and 2,592 feet of stream. In 2017, a total of 30 transects and 152 plots were used to measure the establishment of vegetation in the riparian woods, herbaceous wetlands, and their upland buffers.  In addition, 31 stream assessment points were established at the three created streams to determine the stability and ‘naturalness’ of these streams.  First year results were mixed and monitoring of riparian prairie buffers, riparian woods, and streams have continued until 2023 when the USACE finally provided clearance for the mitigation monitoring. 


“Norman Ecological Consulting has been providing stream and wetland mitigation monitoring at the Kansas City National Security Campus since 2017.  His detailed surveys and reports have identified and provided timely solutions to correcting deficiencies, as we work towards meeting the establishment objectives of our 404 Permit.  His communication and coordination between our staff, the Army Corps of Engineers and our landscape vendor has been excellent.”

Vernon Walters, Former Director of Facilities, Newmark Grubb Zimmer

Wetland Services and Bat Habitat Assessments for Flood Control Project

Providing Environmental Support for Important Project in Olathe, KS

*Delineate Wetlands and Streams *Identify Rare Animal Habitat


During 2017, Norman Ecological was retained by Solid Ground Environmental, LLC to conduct wetland delineations and northern long-eared bat habitat assessments on 103 acres of land along Coffee Creek and its tributaries in Johnson County, Kansas. The project was proposed to rectify periodic flooding problems of Coffee Creek and included three dry retention basins and new road embankments.  16 wetlands covering 0.96 acre and 23 streams extending 3 miles are within the study areas.   Wetland impact analysis and permitting was provided by another local firm.  The NLEB habitat assessment revealed 104 potential snags and dying trees with exfoliating bark or cavities. Tree species included silver maples, hackberries, and honey locusts.

Remote Wetland Assessment for Mined Lands

Project Utilized Streamlined and Innovative Approach to Mapping Wetlands 

*Topographic Depressional Analysis to Identify Wetlands *Determine Wetland Type and Acreage  


In 2017, Norman Ecological was retained by CFS Engineers, LLC to conduct a desktop assessment for Waters of the US (WOTUS) including wetlands and streams at three project sites in Cherokee and Crawford Counties, Kansas. The sites—Site 26, PSU site, and Lightning Creek site—cover approximately 53 acres, 112 acres, and 211 acres, respectively. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment was requesting wetland assessments during its on-going directive to rectify safety hazards near roads and residences at these sites located in Cherokee and Crawford Counties, Kansas. Instead of the more tedious and time consuming review of wetland and water signatures and topographic contours on aerial photography, staff at Norman Ecological used a topographic depressional analysis to approximate the locations of the potential wetlands, while giving consideration to the surrounding ridge and depression landscape along with other factors including the presence of hydric soils and hydrologic requirements of wetland plants. The depressional contour analysis and hydric soil mapping review at the Lightning Creek tracts revealed 55.4 acres of open water, 13.5 acres of potential depressional wetlands on mined lands, 32.7 acres of potential wetlands with hydric soils, and 0.4 acre of other potential wetlands.

Mead’s Milkweed Assessment, Proposed Fiber Optic Installation, Anderson County, Kansas

Find Plants and Habitat of Protected Milkweed for Development Project

*Locate and Flag Mead’s Milkweed Plants *Identify and Map High Qualify Tallgrass Prairie 


In 2016, Norman Ecological was retained by K&W Underground, LLC to perform a Mead’s milkweed assessment and flagging for a proposed fiber optic installation along Highway 169 near Welda (Anderson County), Kansas.  The project is a 2.6-mile segment of the installation, and is known to be in or adjacent to high quality tallgrass prairie habitat so such tracts were surveyed with GPS and individual milkweed plants were surveyed and flagged when observed within the outer edges of the 50- to 75-foot wide highway ROW.  Each vegetation type found within the project ROW were identified and described including high quality tallgrass prairie, degraded tallgrass prairie, replanted tallgrass prairie, cool-season grassland, degraded tallgrass prairie/cool-season grassland, and weedy uplands.  Both Mead’s milkweed plants and high quality tallgrass prairie were found within the proposed project ROW. Mead’s milkweed plants were found only in the HQTGP, both of which were located in the northern third of the project. 27 plants were observed located adjacent to or within the proposed fiber optic ROW.

Botanical Services for Nationwide Wetland Survey

Monitoring Wetlands in Four States

*Identify Tree, Shrub, and Wildflower Species *Determine Plant Abundance and Diversity *Follow Lab Protocol


In 2016, Norman Ecological was retained by the University of Nebraska in Lincoln to be the field botanist for EPA’s National Wetland Condition Assessment in Nebraska. As the sole botanist, Norman conducted the vegetation portion of monitoring at approximately 20 wetland sites including assessment area and plot set up as well as all the cover estimates of ground cover, shrubby, and tree and plant identification. He also followed plant lab protocol ensuring that all unknown and QA/QC plant specimens were documented and delivered to the local plant expert for verification.  Also, Norman was retained by PG Environmental to be field botanist for approximately 10 sites in Kansas, Arkansas, and Mississippi following the same protocol as described above.


“I first met Frank and had the privilege of working with him in 2016 on the National Wetland Condition Assessment.  I was immediately impressed by Frank’s knowledge and passion for plants.  He seemed unencumbered by challenging conditions for both plant identification and fieldwork in general.  In my ten years of experience as a field scientist and technician I’ve never worked with a better botanist.”

Elliot Broder, Logistics and Field Supervisor, Freestone Aquatics, Inc. (formerly field biologist at PG Environmental, LLC)

Wetland Services for Dredge Disposal Site

Provide Support to Kansas Water Office

*Delineate Extent of Wetlands and Streams *Characterize Wetland Habitat


In 2015, the Kansas Water Office (KWO) retained Norman Ecological Consulting, LLC to conduct a wetland delineation at a proposed Confined Disposal Facility, Cell I (CDF-I) for the dredging and placement of spoils from John Redmond Reservoir where the Tulsa regulatory branch of the US Army Corps of Engineers identified potential wetlands, ponds, and a stream using off-site methodology.  The 28-acre site is a portion of an old farmstead located below the dam of the reservoir near Burlington in Coffey County.  Norman Ecological essentially confirmed the preliminary results of the US COE by finding one intermittent stream, 2.2 acres of ponds, and 3.54 acres of wetlands, of which 1.9 acres of ponds and 2.9 acres of wetlands were jurisdictional. 

Wetland and Botanical Services of Mitigation Bank

Provide Support for the Approval of Mitigation Bank in Kansas 

*Delineate and Characterize Wetlands *Identify and Grade Vegetation *Provide Reports and Recommendations


In 2014, The Watershed Institute, Inc. retained Norman Ecological to conduct a wetland delineation and plant community assessment at its two sites covering 226 acres along the floodplain of Cowskin Creek in Maize, Kansas. Plant communities found on-site were low to moderate quality and included Osage orange woods, tallgrass prairie, wooded hedgerows, grassy and shrubby mosaic uplands, cropland, and weedy uplands.  157 wetlands, including PEM, PSS, PFO, PAB, and farmed wetlands, cover approximately 36 acres at the two sites. Norman Ecological prepared a wetland-plant community report that was submitted along with other mitigation bank information to the Mitigation Bank Review Team for review.  According to the EPA member of the MBRT, the report is now the ‘gold standard’ for such documents to be submitted to the MBRT.


“Frank provided a thorough wetland delineation report documenting the site’s complex wetland resources. For the report, Frank accurately identified and mapped the wetland resources for a variety of wetland types that included herbaceous, forested, and farmed landuse settings. Frank’s report provided us with the baseline information needed to implement a stream and wetland restoration mitigation plan.”

Brock Emmert, Project Manager, The Watershed Institute and Land Trust, Inc.

Wetland Consultant for Clean Water Act Violation

Project Developed Restoration Plan to Keep Client Out of Prison

* Rehabilitate Nearly 2 Miles of Stream * Restore Almost 16 Acres of Wetlands and 44 Acres of Buffer Land * Develop Extensive Monitoring Plan to Gauge Restoration Success 


A famer intentionally filled in and channelized over 9,000 feet of stream and cleared and filled in approximately 13 acres of wetlands on two of his properties in Jackson County, Kansas. His actions prompted the Corps to issue a notification of violation letter and a cease and desist order, followed by a search warrant along with the US Environmental Protection Agency Criminal Enforcement Section at which time the agencies performed a wetland delineation and stream assessment to determine impacts to Waters of the US. Upon approval by the EPA, the farmer retained Norman Ecological and Wildhorse Riverworks to develop a restoration plan to rectify the impacts to streams and wetlands. The restoration plan was approved in 2014 by the EPA and the restoration team is expected to begin implementation of the plan in 2015 calling for over 9,000 feet of stream, 20 acres of riparian woods, 24 acres of prairie buffer, 9.6 acres of wet prairie, 3.6 acres of forested wetlands, and 2.6 acres of seeps to be restored on the two sites. Detailed monitoring of stream and restored plant communities was also expected to be conducted to determine restoration success. Inexplicably the proposed mitigation was cancelled by the EPA.

Wetland Mapping of Oxbows Along Flint Hills Streams

Project Further Refined Wetland Mapping Method From 2012

* Refinement of TWIP Mapping Method * Tie Wetlands to Floodplain Connectivity * Contact Landowners for Site Access


Norman Ecological was retained from 2012 to 2014 by the Kansas Alliance of Wetlands and Streams (KAWS) to provide wetland services for its wetland mapping project in three creeks in the Flint Hills (Rock, Four Mile, and Bluff creeks) in east central Kansas. The project was funded by an EPA wetland development grant and overseen by the Kansas Water Office. The purpose of the project was to determine the effect of wetlands on higher quality streams through the refinement of the TWIP (topographic wetland index process) mapping technique and tying it to wetland and floodplain connectivity with adjacent streams and riparian forest health. Norman Ecological’s role was to conduct wetland delineations/identifications following the Great Plains Regional Supplement on wetlands identified by the TWIP remote sensing software. Least-impacted wetlands were identified in each watershed; functional assessments and water quality samples were performed at each LIW. Norman also contacted landowners for permission to access properties, provided input on wetland functions of wetlands, and summarized the field aspects of the project in wetland ID reports.

Ecological Consulting for the Kansas Army Reserve

Monitoring of Prairie Plantings at Four 88th RSC Facilities

* Detailed Monitoring and Data Analysis for Prairie Plantings * Provide Recommendations for Prairie Maintenance


Alliant Corporation of Knoxville, Tennessee retained Norman Ecological in 2011 through 2014 to conduct monitoring at 18 acres of native plantings at four Army Reserve facilities in Leavenworth, Topeka, Osage City, and Pittsburg, Kansas. Norman Ecological measured percent cover and frequency in a total of 40, 2m x 2m plots to determine the prevalence of native species and weeds on-site. The results were summarized in a report, which included recommendations for future maintenance efforts at the native plantings. Monitoring in 2012 and 2013 involved qualitative assessments only.

Kansas Field Botanist for NWCA 2011

Monitoring of Wetlands in Kansas for EPA National Program

* Assessment of Potential Wetlands for Kansas * Quantitative Monitoring of Vegetation at 12 Selected Wetlands * Regional Botanist Trainer at EPA Region 7 NWCA Workshop


Norman Ecological was retained by Kansas Alliance of Wetlands and Streams (KAWS) to be the field botanist for the project. Norman Ecological participated in the desktop review of 90 NWI sites and spearheaded the field reconnaissance of 32 of these sites to confirm the presence of wetlands. Nine wetlands were confirmed along with a reference wetland to be used in the National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA) project. Norman participated in a Train-the-Trainer workshop in order to be the Regional Botanist trainer at the Region 7 NWCA field training workshop in Kansas City. Frank Norman conducted the vegetation portion of monitoring at each of 10 wetland sites (and 2 revisits) including assessment area and plot set up as well as all the cover estimates of ground cover, shrubby, and tree and plant identification. He also followed plant lab protocol insuring that all unknown and QA/QC plant specimens were hand delivered to the local herbarium for verification. 


“Frank’s knowledge of wetlands, their soils, plants and hydrology has helped us make this project successful. His ability to analyze accuracy and determine functionality of the wetlands is outstanding. He completes all field work in a thorough and timely manner. We are very pleased that we were able to have Frank be the technical specialist on the project.”
Harold Klaege, former Executive Director of KAWS

Floristic Quality Inventory for Fort Riley Military

Vegetation Assessments to Assist in Planning Management Strategies

* Complete Plant Lists for FQI of Prairie Tracts * Identify Plants for Inclusion on Lists


In 2011, Norman Ecological provided the Kansas Biological Survey with botanical assistance in its floristic quality assessment at Ft. Riley Military Installation in the Flint Hills near Manhattan, Kansas. Norman completed plant lists as part of an inventory of prairie units on-site. The data were used to compile floristic quality inventory (FQI) scores at each unit at Fort. Riley. He also filled out weed survey forms and maps in order to determine the prevalence of invasive plants at the military facility. The field surveys by KBS are to provide on-site conditions of prairie habitat so Ft. Riley can better plan its environmental management strategies. The results of the work culminated in a KBS publication No. 174.

Wetland Mapping for the State of Kansas

Project Developed a Standardized Process for Prioritizing Vulnerable Wetland Resources

* Customize and Refine Wetland Assessment Methods * Create a New Working Standard for Wetland Mapping * Contact Land Owners for Site Access


In 2009, Norman Ecological was retained by Kansas Alliance of Wetlands and Streams (KAWS) to provide wetland services for the Kansas Water Office’s (KWO) wetland mapping project in two watersheds (Upper Wakarusa and Upper Neosho) in eastern Kansas. The project was funded by two EPA wetland development grants and overseen by the KWO. The purpose of the project was to develop a comprehensive, standardized process for identifying, assessing, and prioritizing wetland and vulnerable aquatic resources in the state of Kansas. This process was intended to customize and refine existing wetland assessment methodologies. It was also intended to create a working standard for all agencies including watershed planning and stakeholder groups in the state of Kansas. Norman Ecological’s role was to conduct wetland delineations following the US Army Corps of Engineers Midwest Regional Supplement on initially selected training wetlands and subsequent wetlands identified by remote sensing software. Norman Ecological also contacted landowners for permission to access properties, assessed the wetland functions and values of wetlands in the two watersheds, conducted water quality sampling on reference wetlands, and will summarized the field aspects of the project in several wetland reports. Work on the project was completed in 2012.

Ecological Consulting for KCI Intermodal BusinessCentre

Monitoring Wetland, Prairie, and Riparian Mitigation

* Timed Meander Surveys at Wetland Sites * Detailed Mitigation Monitoring for Tree and Prairie Plantings


Norman Ecological was retained by Applied Ecological Services, Inc. to conduct monitoring for an 8-acre wetland detention BMP and 12.1 acres of prairie and riparian mitigation. Initial monitoring began in 2010 with timed meander surveys at the BMP site and more typical assessments measuring abundance and frequency of vegetation occurring in 25 transects and 117, 4m² plots at the mitigation sites. Over 5,000 trees and shrubs were planted in the fall of 2010, with tree survivorship being assessed soon thereafter. Monitoring efforts were conducted during the spring and fall from 2010 through 2013. The results of these surveys were summarized in seasonal reports and one annual summary report.


“Frank’s extensive knowledge of native plants and ecosystems has been an invaluable asset for the KCI Intermodal BusinessCentre development. His comprehensive and thorough approach to mitigation monitoring gives us great confidence that we will meet our full permit requirements. Correspondence from the US Army Corps of Engineers validated Frank’s work as meeting the monitoring criteria necessary to be compliant with the special conditions of the authorized permit.”
Laurie Brown, Vireo (formerly Patti Banks Associates)

Restoration Coordinator for Grassland Heritage Foundation

Preserving Snyder Prairie

* Prescribed Burns * Brushing * Invasive Species Removal * Seed Collection and Planting * Maintaining Site Managment Plan * Coordination of Subcontractors


From 2010 to 2019, Norman Ecological was retained as a prairie preserve manager for the Grassland Heritage Foundation’s (GHF) “Snyder Prairie” a 140-acre tract of unplowed native prairie, restored prairie as well as upland and riparian woods located near Mayetta, Kansas. He also coordinated GHF’s Groundhogs, its volunteer group that assists in restoration efforts at the land. On-going restoration included prescribed burns, brushing, invasive species removal, seed collection and planting, and tree cutting. Additional services included developing and updating the Snyder Prairie site management plan, presenting annual restoration results to GHF board of directors, and meeting with the NRCS and potential project subcontractors. Norman is a former GHF board member, and since 2001 had worked with Groundhogs.

Stream Stabilization, Riparian Restoration, and Monitoring

Incorporate Native Plantings into Stream Improvement Plans

* Periodic Vegetation Monitoring * Erosion Control Inspections * Monthly Water Quality and Flow Sampling


Norman Ecological teamed with Applied Ecological Services (AES) providing ecological services for Phase II development at the Zona Rosa Mixed Use Development site in Kansas City, Missouri. In 2009 and 2010, Norman Ecological conducted spring and fall vegetation monitoring efforts at the site as part of US Army of Engineers (Corps) permit requirements. During 2008, Norman Ecological conducted weekly erosion control inspections, monthly peak flow and low flow water sampling efforts, and periodic vegetation monitoring as part of MO DNR and Corps permit requirements. Norman had provided the same services during 2004 to 2007 while employed at AES.


“Frank provided high quality professional services including restoration assessment, species lists, erosion issue identification and recommendations for stabilization and reporting. Frank Norman was easy to work with, timely, and stayed within budget. We were very pleased with Norman Ecological services and plan to use them again.”
Doug Mensing, Applied Ecological Services

Wetland Services in Business Office Development

Guiding Business Development While Minimizing Wetland Impacts

*Wetlands Delineation and Permitting * Rare Plant and Animal Assessment


In 2010, Norman Ecological was retained Paragon Ag Investors to provide wetland services for its office development project. Located on 1.7 acres in Silver Lake, Kansas on the edge of the Kansas River floodplain, the project will ultimately impact 0.085 acre of emergent and forested wetlands. Upon completion of the wetland study, Paragon revised its project footprint to avoid 0.4 acre of wetlands. As a result, the project qualified for a NWP 39—Commercial and Institutional Developments from the US Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, no rare plant and animal species will be impacted by the project; a finding agreed upon by the USFWS after Norman Ecological provided a letter report describing the project impacts and quality of habitats on-site. Ultimately, the Client was also able to obtain mitigation credits from a local in lieu fee program.

“We are pleased with Norman Ecological’s performance on our office development project. Frank was quick at completing the fieldwork, wetland report, and the permit application submission to the US Army Corps of Engineers. The USCOE review concurred with Norman Ecological findings and authorized a nationwide permit for the project.”
Chris Havercamp, Paragon Ag Investors

Prairie and Woodland Survey and Inventory

Utilizing Aerial Photography and 1870s Data to Identify High Quality Forests

*Document Quality and Composition of Woods * Identify Old Growth Forests


Norman Ecological was retained by the Kansas Biological Survey (KBS) to participate in a woodland inventory in Lynn and Anderson Counties, Kansas in 2009. By using current aerial photography overlaid with public land survey data from the 1870s and USGS topographic maps, field crews were able to identify, characterize, grade, and map the locations of higher quality woods found in those two counties. Field members documented the quality and composition of woods by completing plant lists, element occurrence record forms, and taking photographs. Numerous woodland tracts were considered ‘old growth’ for Kansas as they had older trees, very diverse ground covers, and were located on steep and nearly inaccessible terrain. The work was summarized in a KBS publication (Open-File Report #158).

Floristic Quality Expert Testimony

Expert Witness Testimony in Remuneration Lawsuit

*Develop FQA Report * Participate in Court Deposition * Review Defendant’s Responses in Lawsuit


In 2009, the law firm of Caddell & Chapman of Houston, Texas retained Norman Ecological as a floristic quality expert in the lawsuit—The Quapaw Tribe Oklahoma et al. v. Blue Tee Corp. et al. The Quapaw Indian Tribe owns land in Northeastern Oklahoma (Ottawa County) that had been decimated by lead and zinc mining, for which the Tribe sought remuneration from a number of mining companies. Frank Norman’s experience in botanical and monitoring studies especially the Floristic Quality Assessment (FQA) work conducted with the Kansas Biological Survey in mined lands in adjacent Cherokee County, Kansas qualified him to provide expert testimony (report), participate in a court deposition, and review defendant expert witness reports, depositions, and various documents in support of the lawsuit. Work centered on the FQA in assessing the effects of mining on terrestrial resources on tribal lands. The FQA was also essential in evaluating the efficacy of proposed remediation to the damage caused by mining operations, and to the proposed restoration addressing the remaining damage after remediation. The lawsuit was settled in favor of the Quapaw Tribe in the fall of 2010.

Wetland Assessments for Potential Power Plant Sites

Locate and Delineate Wetlands and Streams

*Delineate and Flag Wetland Boundaries * Participate in Field Work and Map Review * Conduct Site Confirmation Visits


Norman Ecological was retained by Burns & McDonnell Inc. Engineering to assist with wetland delineations on two potential electric generating power plant project sites in southeastern Virginia. These sites, 1,600 and 1,100 acres in size, required that the boundaries of all wetlands and streams be delineated. Wetlands and streams were delineated (wetlands were also flagged) using Trimble GPS equipment, characterized by type, and mapped on aerial photographs. In 2008 and early 2009, Norman Ecological assisted with field work, map review, data sheet and photo log entry, and site confirmation visits by the Norfolk Regulatory Branch of the US Army Corps of Engineers. Two hundred plus acres of wetlands and several miles of streams were found at each site.


“After meeting with Frank Norman of Norman Ecological Consulting, it doesn’t take long to realize that he has a passion for the natural world. I have personally worked with Frank and have found him to be a man of integrity, and exacting scientist and a hard worker. Frank has a wealth of knowledge that he has earned in over two decades of environmental consulting. His virtues are not just evident in his conscientious manner, but also in his commitment to both the environment and his clients. If Frank commits to a task, he will work hard to see it through.”
Jack Finley, former project manager at Burns & McDonnell

Rare Plant Surveys

Provide Reports and Recommendations and Obtain Clearances

*Assess the Quality of Prairies in County Rural Water Districts * Conduct Initial Habitat Surveys * Conduct Presence-Absence Surveys


Through Bartlett & West, Norman Ecological conducted rare plant surveys for Kansas Rural Water Districts of Jackson, Douglas, Johnson, and Osage counties during 2008 to 2010. Over 50 miles of proposed water supply pipelines and ancillary facilities were surveyed for Western Prairie Fringed Orchid (Platanthera praeclara) and Mead’s Milkweed (Asclepias meadii), two federally listed plant species. On several projects involving the rare orchid, potential habitat was found, so initial habitat surveys were followed up with presence-absence surveys in suitable habitats during the orchid flowering period. For these projects, recommendations were provided to avoid high quality prairies, minimize impacts to moderate quality habitats, and reseed all prairie habitats impacted by construction. Reports were reviewed by the USFWS and clearances provided based on Norman Ecological recommendations.


“I appreciate Frank’s promptness and genuine concern for getting field work done in a timely manner. Some critical habitat surveys are time sensitive and Frank does a great job of making sure that we do not miss the limited opportunity to get the work done.”
Louis Funk, Bartlett West

Natural Resource Inventory

Assess the Quality and Extent of Plant Communities

*Assess Natural Resources Along Proposed Roadway


In 2007, Norman Ecological conducted a natural resource inventory for Kenneth Baum, a private landowner, to document the quality and extent of plant communities on land potentially impacted by the proposed South Metro Connector in southern Johnson County, Kansas. Mr. Baum wanted to be better informed on the natural resources on his and adjacent land in the vicinity of the proposed roadway. Riparian woods, wetland fringes along streams, oak-hickory woods, cool-season pastures, a prairie remnant, and immature woods were found in the study area.

Sewer Construction Restoration Plan and Oversight

Management Plans for Native Habitat

*Prepare Woodland and Prairie Plans * Provide Restoration Oversight


In 2007, Norman Ecological was retained by CAS Construction, Inc. to prepare restoration and management plans for sewer line construction through 2.7 miles of floodplain and upland habitats in Lawrence, Kansas. Plans included native seeding mixes and restoration techniques to restore pipeline corridors and staging areas located in 47 acres of cropland, smooth brome hay meadows, and woods in the floodplains of the Kansas River and W. Baldwin Creek. Qualitative and quantitative methods for monitoring the success of the restoration efforts were also proposed in the submittals. In 2009, Norman Ecological was retained by Professional Engineering Consultants Inc. to provide oversight for the native restoration of woodland and prairie habitats in 2.7 miles of pipeline ROW for the City of Lawrence. Work involved numerous site visits, developing summary site visit memoranda, and recommending remedial measures as needed.


“Norman Ecological created a native plant restoration plan for the West Baldwin Creek Project. Frank Norman made site visits with very little notice and provide a follow-up report at the end of the project. It was great working with Frank. I hope to have the opportunity to work with him in the future.”
Mike Lawless, City of Lawrence, KS

Native Restoration Monitoring

Timed Meander Surveys Over 6 Months

*Monitoring of Native Prairie and Wetland Plantings * Plant Species Observations—Minute-by-Minute * Provide Recommendations for Resoration Efforts


During 2008, Norman Ecological performed timed meander surveys over a six-month period for Hermes Landscaping, Inc. at First United Methodist’s wetland and prairie restoration project, located west of Lawrence, Kansas. The survey was a requirement to document the establishment of the native vegetation at the project. A timed meander survey involves identifying the plant species observed minute-by-minute until no (or very few) new species are encountered. The results of the survey serve as the means to document the establishment of the native vegetation at the project. The results of each survey and maintenance recommendations were summarized in a technical memorandum.


“Frank Norman did a great job of monitoring and reporting the native seed establishment for us on the First United Methodist Church project in Lawrence, KS. Frank’s reports were clear, very detailed and timely which gave us the information that we needed for approval and acceptance of our work.”
Eric Soriano, Hermes Landscaping, Inc.

Mined Land Monitoring

Vegetative Monitoring at Lead Mining Sites

*Document Unrestored and Restored Mining Sites * Determine Revegetation Success


In 2007, Norman Ecological was hired by the Kansas Biological Survey (KBS) to conduct vegetative monitoring at various lead mining sites in Cherokee County, Kansas. The project goal was to document the conditions at unrestored and restored mine sites and determine the revegetation success at the restored sites per a grant from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. The project involved setting up plots, measuring plant cover and species presence, collecting soil samples, and establishing photo stations. Results were varied depending on the type of site and previous disturbance or restoration regime. The study was published by KBS (Report #149).